Following the Ministry Instruction (the last post), YouTube had been blocked nationwide by local ISPs.
JakartaPost has the news : link
Reporter without borders : link
Several other big sites are also reported being blocked :
elance.com (by telkom speedy)
Ministry of Communication and Information yesterday had a discussion with IT and blogger community, but resulted nothing. No surprise, since the government is not really into public aspirations.
kalo di china sini juga banyak yg diblok. blogspot, multiply, pada gak bisa dibuka. gua mesti pakai software lain buat buka site2 ini.
oh ya, wikipedia jg gak bisa buka
yen, coba ajah pake free proxy. misalnya hidemyass.com
speaking about blok2an...
kalo yg di blog sayah si emang sengaja, bro. ceritanya self-censorship. at least kalo mo baca udah bisa pipis lempeng. males ditunjuk2 sundal ama anak2 kecil.
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