Monday, December 08, 2008

Friday, December 05, 2008

Gaji presiden SBY vs pemimpin dunia lainnya.

Gaji Presiden SBY menurut adalah sebesar Rp.Rp.62.497.800,- per bulan PLUS dana khusus operasional sebesar Rp.2 Miliar perbulan. link

Total gaji per tahun adalah Rp.749.973.600,- (USD60.000,- kurs 12500).

Tidak beda jauh dengan gaji Presiden Putin.

Berapa gaji para pemimpin dunia lainnya?

Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore
(Country GDP: $235.6 billion - 2008)
Annual salary : $2.46 million.

Barack Obama, USA
(Country GDP: $13.81 trillion - 2007)
Annual salary: $400,000

Kevin Rudd, Australia
(Country GDP: $773 billion - 2007)
Annual salary of $330,300.

Angela Merkel, Germany
(Country GDP: $2.585 trillion - 2006)
Annual salary: € 242,000 (€ 22000 bonus included) ~ $ 307,340.

Nicolas Sarkozy, France
(Country GDP: $1.871 trillion - 2006)
Annual salary of € 240,000 ~ $ 304,800.

Stephen Harper, Canada
(Country GDP: $1.274 trillion - 2007)
Annual salary of $280,000.

Gordon Brown, UK
(Country GDP: $2.772 trillion - 2007)
Annual salary of € 187611 ~ $238,266.

Vladimir Putin, Russia
(Country GDP: $2.076 trillion -2007)
Annual salary of $81,190.

source : The Manggo Blog

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Arsip foto LIFE di Google

Google sedang mengarsipkan hampir semua foto2 koleksi majalah LIFE. LIFE adalah sebuah majalah yang tertua di Amerika yang terkenal akan foto2nya.

Foto2nya bisa dilihat di LIFE photo archive hosted by Google

Salah satu fotonya adalah sang mata-mata CIA yang sekarang sedang terkenal :

Kenapa Pria tidak memakai Bra?

Kenapa sih kaum pria tidak memakai Bra alias BH? Saya rasa salah satu alasannya karena tidak ada yang menjualnya....... SAMPAI SEKARANG.

Ya! Untuk para pria yang mendambakan untuk memakai BRA, kini sudah bisa membelinya di Harga 2,900 Yen.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Roy Suryo : Kemane aje lu!

Gunz msg me this link yang kena hack

Hi Roy!(tm)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

How Indonesian Intelligency Agency works.

An ex BIN (Badan Inteligent Negara, Indonesia's CIA) agent was called to a witness stand in Munir's (a human right activist) murder case.

In the last paragraph of the news, loosely translated : "To kill Munir, Padma planned 4 stages. They were surveillance, terrorize, voodoo, and poisoning."

VOODOO? WTF!!! LOL. Not that I don't believe voodoo (I've seen quite a lot of illogical things here. hey, I live in Indonesia), but please just keep it as a top secret method, at least to uphold the integrity of your former workplace (which is Indonesia Intelligence Agency).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

An email from Bambang

Look what I found in my junk mail folder? An email from Bambang Suharto! :) Maybe Bambang is really trying to ask some assistance from me. Maybe I can help him to hide some of his assets from his ex-wife? hmmm who knows...

Friday, September 12, 2008

What A Zillionaire Like Bill Gates Do After Retired?

Apparently he tried star in a sitcom with Jerry Seinfeld

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Quick note : Dimana beli baterai & mata pisau

Jika butuh baterai notebook beserta adaptornya, silahkan ke

Tapi jika butuh batere dengan ukuran aneh, bisa coba contact ke :

Sarang Baterai
Pertokoan Glodok Jaya,
Lt. Dasar Blok A No.30,
Jakarta Kota 11180.
Telp : (021)659-7889
Fax : (021)659-7889

Minggu lalu saya membeli baterai 1/2AA 3.6V untuk Mac Cube saya. Ketemu percis merek Tadiran. Harganya Rp.75.000,-. Merek Sharp harganya Rp.125.000,-

Kalau butuh mata pisau untuk pisau gergaji, potong, dan untuk applikasi mesin dan industri, coba ke :

Manis Mata
Lindeteves Trade Center (LTC)
Lantai GF1 Blok C27 No.6 & 7
Telp : (021)6220-1436
Fax : (021)3006-3965

Kemain beli mata pisau SKH Double Planner ukuran 610x38x6mm seharga Rp.275.000,-

Saturday, July 19, 2008, Lebih Lengkap, Lebih Luas, dan LEBIH BLOATED!!

Beberapa waktu yang lalu ada peluncuran versi baru. Wah seremoninya sangat meriah. Pakai ngundang orang orang vip dan tobbt. Di koran Kompas juga diberikan data statistik yang menunjukan bahwa lebih banyak dikunjungi dibandingkan situs berita A dan situs berita B (saya klik dan, kok engak nongol yah... :P)

Ada apa dengan YANG PASTI SUPER BLOATED. Dibawah ini adalah screenshoot dari secara keseluruhan disandingkan dengan screenshoot dari

Tidak masalah sih kalau mencoba lebih banyak content daripada, TAPI KALAU MAU SAMPAI ADA 16 FLASH ELEMENT, ITU NAMANYA KETERLALUAN.

Kenapa sih para designer (dan terutama yang menamakan dirinya WEB DESIGNER) di Indonesia kebanyakan adalah FLASH FETISH? Dulu, sekarang
Salahnya dimana yah? Apakah para 'web designer'nya otodidak? atau SEKOLAHnya yang engak mutu? Kalo kwalitas web design yang ada 16 Flash content, saya jadi ragu akan kwalitas sekolah Universitas Multimedia (yang satu grup dengan Kompas).


Berapa konten Flash yang dimiliki oleh CNN? kadang 1 atau 2 tergantung dari iklan yang sedang ditayangkan. (oleh server iklannya, kadang ditampilkan iklan yang .jpg atau animasi .gif). Tapi di, terhitung 16 animasi Flash.

Selain menyalahi pakem web usability, penggunaan konten Flash akan :
1. Memakan lebih banyak bandwidth daripada gambar statis. Negara Kesatuan RI ini khan masih statusnya fakir bandwidth.
2. Memakan lebih banyak resource pada cpu pengunjung. Alias komputernya akan melambat. Kenapa saya tidak pernah mengunjungi lagi? selain karena animasi iklan2nya yang obnoxious, juga karena melambatkan komputer saya.


Monday, July 07, 2008

Cara Vector Art

Cara pembuatan gambar Vector dari sebuah Photo via Photoshop.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Kecepatan Internet di Jepang

Berapa cepet sih Internet rumahan di Jepang?

via FuckedUpJapan

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kabel ethernet paling mahal di dunia

Ini mungkin adalah kabel ethernet paling mahal di dunia.

Merek : Denon. Harga $499,- untuk 1,5 meter.

Sangat cocok untuk orang yang kelebihan duit dan kekurangan IQ.

Link ke halaman produknya :
Denon USA | AK-DL1

via Slashdot

Perbandingan gaji pekerja IT di Indonesia vs Asia

Gaji pekerja IT di Indonesia dibandingkan dengan rekan2nya dari Singapore, HK, Malaysia, bahkan Thailand.

Indonesia meduduki rangking terakhir.

Yah namanya juga bos2 di Indonesia itu kurang appreciate dengan keberadaan IT. Sadar akan kepentingan IT cuman waktu koneksi internet terganggu dan email tidak jalan. :)

Artikel selengkapnya :
Asia IT Salary Benchmarks : Experience pays well for those in IT : IT employment Trends - ZDNet Asia

via enda

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Indonesia Internet Cencorship (continue)

Following the Ministry Instruction (the last post), YouTube had been blocked nationwide by local ISPs.

JakartaPost has the news : link

Reporter without borders : link

Several other big sites are also reported being blocked : (by telkom speedy)

Ministry of Communication and Information yesterday had a discussion with IT and blogger community, but resulted nothing. No surprise, since the government is not really into public aspirations.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

UU ITE (Information and Electronic Transaction Law) = Law to allow information censorship by Indonesian Government

Indonesian government has produce a law that govern information and 'electronic transaction'. It called 'UU ITE' Undang Undang Informasi & Transaksi Elektronik. The law aimed to prevent cyber crime such as carding which is quite popular in Indonesia.
The draft of the law can be viewed here

However, a lot of people see it as a law and base for the government to do internet censorship.

This week (week of 8 April 2008), it's widely known that a popular site YouTube has been instructed by Ministry of Communication and Information to be blocked nation wide. This instruction has to be complied by all ISP.

The reason for YouTube blocking is because there a video called Fitna made by a Dutch politician that has been touted as a misleading critique of Islam.

As of today, the whole Indonesia that use local ISP can not access YouTube. Some ISP go even further by blocking a few other site including

Below is the Ministry's letter to ISP :


A loosely translation of the content :

"In relation of the video called Fitna (made by Dutch politician, Geert Wilders' that circulate via internet media, and can cause inter religious disharmony globally.

Because of that, we instructed you to coordinate with APJII (Indonesia ISP Assosiation) members and IIX (Indonesia Internet Exchange) authorities with all effort to block the site and blog that post that video.

This was told to be done obidiently.

Ministry of Communication and Information
Muhammad Nuh

cc : Indonesia Police Chief.

News in Jakarta Post regarding Fitna link

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Using Mac will make you 'dumb' 'dull', using Windows will just waste your time.

Yes, if you spend too much time using Mac, you'll eventually become 'dumb' 'dull' in technical troubleshooting sense of way. You've taken by granted that everything in Mac will just work.

Yesterday's evening, my brother in law called me. He signed up for Speedy ADSL service. The technician came by to install the modem. He tested it using his notebook (with XP) and worked with no problem. Then he tried to connect the modem to my bro's Vista. It didn't work. In my conversation with the technician, he said that he got no experience with Vista, thus didn't know how to troubleshoot the problem. It is suppose to be plug and pray right? The ethernet suppose to automatically get an address from the modem. Apparently it didn't work.

So I have to drive to his house, 20 minutes away. When I arrived, the technician was quite confused, as also it's already 8pm, and I don't think he is being paid overtime. I told the tech guy to leave, since he proofed that the internet is working using his notebook.

I started tweaking with the network setting in Vista. Automatic addressing, didn't work. Manual address, didn't work. Strangely I saw 2 'network connections'. One being the ethernet port itself, and the other was 'unidentified network'. What the heck. Did Vista has new network feature that I didn't know about?

Darn, I didn't bring my Powerbook with me. So I had to drive back home, bring my PowerBook over. I plugged in my PowerBook, and whoala! it worked!

I started tweaking with Vista network setting again. A strange sign was when I ipconfig, in the gateway there's 2 entries. They are '' and ''.
It was suppose to be only 1, which is the
I go to the TCP/IP prop, go to Advance and check the gateway entries, nothing there.

Diagnosting and Repair feature didn't help, but wasting my time.

Finally, I tried to reenter the IP address info manually, including entering several fake gateway addresses, click Apply, and then erase them, and click Apply. Set to automatic, and whoala! it works! The was gone!

So, because I am using too much Mac, I become dumb dull. It should't took that much time to troubleshoot this problem. I begin to loose my troubleshooting skills and feeling, because aint much to troubeshoot in Mac.
Because my brother in law use Vista, he wasted my whole evening, just for this silly problem.

[update : the very next day]
Aparently the problem reappeared the very next day. Darn! If it can't established a network connection due to "unindentified network" problem, then I can't connect to internet and google. Disable, enable, and restarted several times, and on one lucky shot, it connected to the ADSL modem. I quickly google for this problem, and whoala! we are not alone! And there's no single solution for this problem, as nobody for sure knows what caused it (including those MS MVPs).
One of the most possible solution is to download Norton Removal Tool link. The notebook came with Symantec Internet Security preinstalled.
[Tips from
I downloaded it, and run it TWICE just to make sure. Restart the notebook and it connected after reboot. The problem went away, or did it?

[update : the next day]
Aparently it didn't go away. So I recheck everything again. Run Norton Removal Tool again, uninstalling unneeded programs, and updating the network driver. It didn't work. However, I notice that if the modem is on before I TURN ON the notebook, then the notebook can connect to the modem, but if the notebook is on before the modem, then it will goes into "unidentified network" status, and can't connect.

SOLUTION : Turn on the modem, wait for 1 minutes, then turn on the notebook.

MORAL : Using Vista is just a waste of time. You'll most likely end up troubleshooting for something that suppose to work. You'll loose your precious time. You better stick with XP or use Mac OSX.

image credit :

Friday, February 22, 2008

Our Lovely Busway Bus on Fire!!!

got it from a forwaded email

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Pariwisata Indonesia : Oh Mama Oh Papa....

Hong Kong didatangi oleh lebih dari 28 juta turis di tahun 2007 dan diperkirakan akan meraup pemasukan melampaui HK$130 miliar (kira2 16,6 miliar US$). link

Sedangkan menurut situs budpar (yeah.. what a name..), pemerintah Indonesia mencoba menarik 7 juta wisatawan di tahun 2007, dan mengharapkan pendapatan 6.4 milar USD. (estimasi 941US$ per wisatawan).
Budget promosi yang diadakan adalah sebesar 15 juta USD.

(Kalau tertarik, silahkan bandingkan 'budget promosi tourism' kita dengan laporan keuangan HK Tourism Board, sebuah badan di HK yang dibentuk khusus untuk menjalankan pariwisata HK secara profesional : link

Jadi dibandingkan dengan HongKong yang wilayah daratnya tidak sebesar Jabodetabek, maka target pengunjung sebanyak 7 juta orang adalah sangat sangat kecil. Hanya 1/4 jumlah turis yang ke HK di tahun 2007!
Apakah tidak bisa ditargetkan target yang lebih tinggi? Atau memang karena pemerintah Indonesia tidak terlalu optimis untuk menjual Pariwisata Indonesia?

Saya sendiri sih tidak terlalu optimis untuk menjual pariwisata Indonesia ke luar negeri. Mengapa? Karena untuk menjual, tentunya harus rapih2 dulu... dandan dulu... Kalau saya mau membuang uang saya di Mal, tentunya saya tidak mengharapkan tempat yang becek dan bau amis. Saya mengharapkan lokasi yang nyaman, ber AC, free hot spot. Untuk semua itu, saya berani membayar parkir mahal (Rp.2000,- per jam).

Satu2nya tempat di Indonesia yang bisa menjual dirinya hanya Bali. Bagaimana dengan daerah lain, misalnya Jakarta?

Ini adalah apa yang harus dialami oleh seorang turis kalau datang ke Jakarta :

Toilet di Bandara yang bau pesing menyambut para turis yang baru mendarat dan keluar dari pesawat.
Ketemu loket Imigrasi. Petugas Imigrasi dengan antusias selalu akan mencoba untuk memeras orang luar negeri (kalau orang lokal tidak usah diperas sudah tst...). Seorang rekan saya dari China dimintai uang oleh 'oknum' berbaju Imigrasi dengan cara mengibas2kan uang HK$20,- karena tidak bisa bicara bahasa Mandarin/Cantonese. Rekan saya itu memberikan uang HK$20,- kepada si oknum mengira bahwa itu memang fee-nya. Saya tidak tahu harus tertawa atau malu ketika rekan saya menceritakan hal itu. (Moral dari kisah ini, belajarlah bahasa asing sebanyak mungkin, karena jika bisa berbahasa Mandarin, maka sang 'oknum' akan dengan gampang meminta HK$50 atau HK$100).

Lewat Imigrasi, ketemu 'oknum' Bea Cukai. capeee deh... Keluar dari Bea Cukai, harus melewati lautan calo2 taxi gelap. (sekadar reminder kalo ini cerita masih di Bandara Soekarno Hatta, dan bukan di terminal Kampung Rambutan). Kalau tidak hati2, walau sudah memilih taksi resmi, bisa2 diperas untuk borongan.

Setelah keluar dari Bandara, harus menikmati kemacetan yang kadang dimulai dari ruas tol Bandara. Kalau beruntung, si turis bisa menikmati Venice ala Jakarta, karena ruas tol Bandara bisa tergenang air.

Bagaimana dengan situs pariwisata di Jakarta?
Kapan terakhir Monas memperbaharui lift-nya?
Museum Gajah yang pada hari Senin tutup jam 2 siang, tapi pada jam 1 sudah tidak ada petugas di loket? (what do you expect from a PNS?)
Kebun Binatang Ragunan yang banyak sampah karena kurangnya tempat sampah, dan sangat sudah menemukan peta.
Macetnya Jakarta membuat hampir impossible untuk melakukan City Tour dengan nyaman.

Saya rasa hanya ada 2 situs pariwisata (cmiww) di Jakarta yang worth visiting karena dikelola secara PROFESIONAL yaitu Ancol dan mungkin TMII.

Kata kuncinya adalah PROFESIONAL. Pengelolaan situs pariwisata secara PROFESIONAL. Titik.

Tapi tau sendiri dah, pemerintah Indonesia memang jagonya cuman bikin jargon. :)

image credit :